Just wanted to give a huge shout out to everyone that has supported me on YouTube and elsewhere. My YouTube Channel has achieved another milestone and every time I hit one of these it is a humbling experience that I’m extremely grateful for. So as always, credit and thanks go out to all of you that have supported and encouraged me. Here’s an example of the type of messages I get that inspire me to continue doing this…
This is from Ryan, who asked me for some advice for his presentation. I’m happy to help people who prepare something then want feedback because I know they’ve put in the work first. Anyway, Ryan was one such person and this was his message…

THHHHHAAAAANNNNKKKKKYYOOOOUUU, Mr. Kwan! Your videos made me much more confident and they definitely paid off! Of course, I was nervous at the moment that my name was called, but I went up anyway. Unfortunately, the website (Glogster) completely scrambled all of my media and pictures/videos for my presentation (which was approximately 40% of my presentation) and I to do some on-the-spot things to keep my classmate’s attention-but it went GREAT! I utilized your idea to use the candy as their lives (of course, they went crazy for that candy, haha). Before I walked out of class today, my teacher stopped me and told me that I MUST join DECA and that she was even willing to pay for my membership (I’m going to pay myself). Anyway, I’m truly grateful for your help, and it looks like I’m definitely going to need to review your videos daily for now on! Thanks again!

Pretty awesome, huh? Great job Ryan! And thanks once again to all of you for your support.
