Video content marketing is not just a passing fad. It’s here to stay because technology has made it so easy for consumers to watch online video.
These videos for Edutige that I’ve been working on for the last few years have helped tremendously. Customers see what the products can do directly from the manufacturer, which is pretty uncommon. But they also get a sense of what the brand is about. The great thing is they were all produced with technology available to almost any business owner… iPhones, mirrorless and DSLR cameras, pocket camcorders and GoPros.
This combination of technology and control over production is great news for business owners, especially small business owners, because the barriers to entry to produce videos are now so low. But the biggest challenges for any small business are time, knowledge and resources.
That’s where I can help. I specialize in using video for content marketing to help organizations get their message out, build their brand and promote their products and services.
Get in touch with me at and let’s talk about how I can help you and your business with video content marketing.