A few weeks ago while researching topics for Edutige, the microphone company that I represent and am in charge of their content marketing for, I hit upon an article about mobile journalism. Actually, I was actively looking at how Edutige could reach out to journalists and get them to try the microphones. I’m quite sure journalists would love the small size, affordability and great audio quality.
Check out the video or skip below to read my content research and creation process for the video.
Google is your content idea friend
As I was looking around, I Googled topics like “iPhone journalism,” “mobile journalism,” and anything else I could think of that would be related to using an iPhone for journalism.
Eventually, I came across the hashtags #mojokit, #mojo and #mojoedc, which all stand for mobile journalism. The last one, #mojoedc, stands for mobile journalism everyday carry, which is kinda cool! And there were plenty of people very actively engaged in this #mojo community.
I couldn’t help but get excited by the possibility of creating targeted content that would be of value to this incredibly large group of target customers.
Now what?
Once I knew the target audience existed and is quite large and active, I looked into what products they were using, how they were being used, and how Edutige products could be a fit. This wasn’t overly difficult since many journalists were posting pics of the #mojokit using that hashtag and #mojoedc.
I could see how Edutige could offer a small lavalier style set up, that had great audio quality, that was plug and play without requiring any special adapters, and that would be discreet so as not to draw unwanted attention to the journalist.
I imagined that some journalists work in areas that aren’t necessarily safe and carrying around an iPhone on a rig with a big microphone and a video light was not going to be suitable for those situations.
Then I shot the video
Whenever I make videos like these, I don’t often have a script. Part of the reason is because I know the products so well. The other reason is that I keep in mind a few key points I want to address, which are usually:
- What is the situation, issue or problem faced by the target audience?
- Why is that bad or what are the consequences?
- What’s the solution that I have to offer?
- How does it work?
- How can people get it?
Then I get b roll
B roll is important to a video because it helps the audience visualize what you are talking about. This is especially important when it comes to product demo videos.
Normally, I like to shoot my b roll at home where I can set up the products and light them properly. This is also the time I get to be a little more creative with how the products are shown.
For example, in this particular video there is a sequence where the tripod pistol grip spins around. That was shot with me spinning the tripod by hand, then editing so that it looked like the tripod was spinning on its own. A bit tedious but I think it works.
What you should do
When it comes to creating marketing content, it’s a good idea to keep an ear to the ground and be aware of trends or new issues or problems that your product or service can help solve. Then act! Don’t wait to create that content because in today’s world, trending topics come and go pretty quickly.
And if you’d rather someone else help you with your content creation, get in touch with me and let’s talk about how I can help you create video marketing content on a regular basis to build your brand and stay on your customers’ radar.
Let me know your thoughts on how you go about researching content.