Video content marketing can be used to answer or address customer questions and concerns about your product or service. This week, I received a comment from someone on YouTube about one of the microphone test videos I made for Edutige, and I thought it was a great opportunity to show how video can be used to not only address questions and concerns, but to also demonstrate authenticity and interest in customer concerns. This can also help other people who may have the same questions/opinions.
A person on YouTube said that a test I had done was flawed, that the microphones needed to be at the same distance to the subject to better gauge performance. I agreed and pointed out a few other tests I had done that fit his test criteria. But I wanted to do another test to demonstrate the Edutige microphone’s effectiveness compared to the GoPro’s built in microphone because I thought it was a great way to address the question and create content. So challenges/questions from customers can be a great source of inspiration for content marketing purposes.
Shows authenticity
Another positive outcome of this type of video content marketing is that it demonstrates your authenticity because you’re willing to openly address customer concerns as they happen, and it shows that your company is accessible. Having your business exist behind a walled garden just doesn’t work in this day and age, and your marketing efforts should reflect this openness and authenticity.
Video content marketing builds trust
On top of showing authenticity, doing a comparison video like the one I did is a great way to build trust with your audience. They trust that your product works as it should, and they learn to trust you, as well. However, you can’t do this with one video. As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, you can’t expect to make one video and be done, thinking that’s all it will take to get people to buy from you. Video content marketing can build trust but it requires a dedicated amount of effort over time to make it work in favour of your business.
Is it worth it?
Although the immediate ROI of video content marketing may seem low, you need to look at a couple of different measures. One is lifetime value of your customers, the second is that videos are a long term investment, and third, you can’t buy the type of trust you can earn through videos. This last point is especially true if you offer a service.
I don’t want to deep dive too much into whether videos are worth it, but most of the research on consumer buying behaviour points to video being highly influential. So maybe it’s a matter of doing it now to get ahead of your competition or trying to play catch up later. Your choice.