One way you can use video marketing is to teach your customers or clients about something useful that will help them do something better. Educating your target audience provides value to them and increases trust.
In the video for Edutige this week, I wanted our customers to learn why they should use separate audio for videos. The target audience is someone who is relatively new to making videos, who may not be aware that they can use their iPhone to record audio separately from their video, or someone that wanted to know more about recording separate audio.
The benefit for them is the education without being directly sold the microphones I mentioned in the video. The key is to provide value without necessarily expecting something in return.
What is your experience in focusing on value instead of directly selling? Be happy to hear your thoughts.
Below is the original post on Edutige’s website:
In this video you’ll learn about why you might want to use separate audio for your videos. You’ll hear a comparison of the EIM-003 with an iPhone 6 vs the ETM-001 with a Canon EOS M. In some situations, it’s much better to use separate audio when making videos, instead of relying on a microphone connected to the camera.
For example, if the camera is far away from your subject and it’s a windy and/or noisy environment, you’ll be better off using separate audio.
In addition, separate audio can increase the production value of your videos.
However, there is an extra step when editing to sync the audio. Editing software like Final Cut Pro X makes this an easy job, but it’s still an extra file and step. You’ll have to weigh the pros and cons and determine what is best for your particular situation.
For me, when I make videos for clients, it’s separate audio all the way. It’s only if I know the video is not the main part of the project that I’ll use an external mic connected directly to the camera.
Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions about making videos or choosing a microphone.