Video content marketing doesn’t have to be about your own products and services, as I’ve previously mentioned. Take the example of this newest video for Edutige. Instead of talking about how to use a microphone or which microphone to choose for your iPhone, I provide a tip for actually USING your iPhone.
You can use video content marketing to provide solutions to situations or problems encountered by your target market. This is an easy way to provide value to your customers and increase the good feelings and trust that people have towards your company and your brand.

Here is the video and below is the original post found at:

If you are vlogging with an iPhone, you’ll learn a simple tip for how to get 1080p HD video using the iPhone’s front camera. The iPhone’s back camera has always been a higher quality camera. My iPhone 6’s camera is particularly good and that’s why I like using the back camera when even filming myself vlog style.

However, I will some times use the front camera because it is much more convenient. But since the front camera only shoots in 720p HD, I wanted a way to get 1080p HD because that’s what most people consider good quality and size, even online.

The easiest way to vlog with an iPhone using the front camera and getting 1080p is to upscale the 720p footage in editing.

Most editing software allows you to choose the size of the video project you are creating. So all you need to do is select 1080p when first creating your video project and you’re good to go.

Bring your 720p iPhone front camera footage into your 1080p project and the software will either adjust the size automatically, or you simply select the video size setting and “fill” the screen.

Easy, simple.

One thing to note is that you should always film with good lighting, especially when using the lower quality front camera. Good lighting will dramatically improve the video quality.

And finally, the video was shot using my Canon EOS M and the ETM-006 lavalier mic was used for audio. I prefer the lavalier mic to a shotgun mic and I’ll demonstrate why in my next video.

Let me know if you have any questions about vlogging with an iPhone or which external microphones to use.
