I recently helped a client set up a studio space in their office so they can make videos whenever they have time. This video documents the process, as well as...
Event videos are commonly used to show off how cool you are to others. But event videos are also a great way to build morale, communicate your values and attract...
Alan Press and Caren Naidoff of Shire Law Group, PC in Illinois wanted an animated explainer video for their wills and estate planning services that would speak to the diversity...
Using videos for marketing your business is a no brainer. And short videos, in particular, are a great way to deliver your message, as long as you stay focused and...
Are your organization’s leaders not doing their job as well as they should? Then check out the Ultimate Leader Accelerator Course by my awesome client Dr. Mary Kay Whitaker over...
Here’s the first in a series of explainer videos that describe a leadership training program created by one of my favourite clients, Dr. Mary Kay Whitaker. An explainer video for...
A rather obvious thing when you get into video marketing is that you need a camera to make your marketing videos with. But what do you use? What’s the best...
Making marketing videos is awesome for your business. Yes, it takes work and perseverance, but so does anything worth doing for your business to be successful. That’s why it’s important...
If you are making videos to market your business, congratulations! Video content marketing can really help to market your products or services and is a great way to build your...