If you find it challenging to produce marketing videos for your business on a regular basis, then consider batch recording your videos. What you do is prepare 5-10 ideas or...
Show Notes: In this week's episode of the Brand Ballers Podcast, we’re going to discuss what it takes to actually get business with your videos, and specifically, the tipping point...
Let's be honest, if you are going to use video to market your business, the reality is that making a video takes time. In my last video, I talked about...
Originally appeared on http://www.webodew.com/user-experience-affects-branding/ https://soundcloud.com/brandballers-podcast/user-experience-affects-branding Show notes: The importance of good user experience on your website and how this affects your brand I hate and maybe others can relate having to...
In this video you will learn 3 tips for giving a killer class presentation because presentations for school are very important. A great class presentation can not only help your...